docBrain logo type

CONCEIVE: custom training of deep neural network models

CONSUME: quick deployment of unique, end-to-end document processing solutions

CONTROL: built-in quality assurance (QA) workflows for high quality data throughput and performance improvement over time


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What makes docbrain unique?

The docBrain platform brings together machine learning, data science, solution engineering and DevOps for document-centric productive purpose.

DNN ready to train

Custom AI training

Deep learning technology allows you to train AI models from the bottom up and create unique solutions that address your specific document challenges.

DNN ready to use

Ready-to-use knowledge

Use docBrain's pre-trained models to access years' worth of learning and ensure a minimum return on investment prior to any training.

DNN ready to deploy

AI Recognition as a Service

Whether you train the AI yourself or use the models off-the-shelf, the solutions you deploy with docBrain will easily integrate with your business systems.

A global community of customers and partners




docBrain is a lot more than a powerful AI technology for document processing. docBrain is an ecosystem and global network of partners delivering technologies, subject matter knowledge, data science skills and business consultancy expertise to implement competitive solutions and AI strategies for their organizations and customers.


Meet Our Partners




AI succeeds where OCR fails


docBrain was created in-house to solve Moonoia’s own document processing challenges created mainly by error-prone and costly manual data validation that was slowing down end-to-end processes, making automation impossible. Market-available OCR technologies were unable to achieve the accuracy levels required for straight-through processing, especially for handwritten, unstructured or low-quality documents.


Moonoia used machine learning to change that, training docBrain's neural networks on millions of documents until it became able to perform complex processing tasks at accuracy rates higher than those of human operators. From that point on, the docBrain engine evolved into what is today a state-of-the-art document-centric multi-purpose AI platform addressing the needs of both end-user and reseller/partner companies in search of advanced, secure, scalable, cloud-based and tailor-made document analysis and data extraction solutions.


What challenges does docBrain solve?

docBrain addresses complex document-related challenges as well as issues pertaining to data science, DevOps, solution engineering, IT and artificial intelligence.